I have added a donate to this blog for anyone who would like to support me on this adventure. If you want to use this to shout me a beer, a coffee, a meal, or whatever, it would sure be appreciated!
Some people have asked if they can buy me things too. For example, my dear mum bought me a new saddle for my bike. I don't really need anything else desperately right now. Some proper cycling shoes, rather than my old trainers would be handy, but it's not a big deal. My tent is currently holding together. If my tent fell apart in a storm, or something big went wrong with my bicycle, then my budget would be stretched, but I think I should be safe.
If you did want to buy me anything, just say what you want me to use the money for and I will! I have a little of my biking budget in this blog post.
Another interesting idea, is if you'd like to donate to one of the charities I visit. Just tell me how much you want to give, or what you want me to buy them, and I will buy and donate it to them on your behalf. I can send you a photo of the donation too. Given that I won't know the charities in advance, this could be logistically tricky. Perhaps you could tell me the general type of cause/donation you are interested in helping with, and I will let you know when I find one like that.
You can even mix the two ideas. If you'd like to donate a certain amount, and have some go to a charity, and some go to supporting my ride, that would be super! It could be 50-50, or 90-10 (haha, like giving me a tip!), or however you want to split it up. Just send me an email and we'll set it up!
Mission description
This is a blog about travel, adventure, charity, and bikes. It's the story of my trip from San Francisco to wherever the road ends.
My goals are:
(1) Get as far as I can south - cycling, hitching, or whatever - before my time and money run out.
(2) Try to understand social inequality in the areas I travel through, and to do what I can to help.
My tools are my trusty bike, Magnum, my thumb, this blog, and the following websites, for which I am an ambassador:
You can follow the adventure right here, and you can see how it all started, and what it's all about, using the tabs above. If you want to be notified of new posts, you can subscribe using the links down on the right, or by liking the Wheels of Fortune Facebook page.
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