Mission description

This is a blog about travel, adventure, charity, and bikes. It's the story of my trip from San Francisco to wherever the road ends.
My goals are:
(1) Get as far as I can south - cycling, hitching, or whatever - before my time and money run out.
(2) Try to understand social inequality in the areas I travel through, and to do what I can to help.
My tools are my trusty bike, Magnum, my thumb, this blog, and the following websites, for which I am an ambassador:
You can follow the adventure right here, and you can see how it all started, and what it's all about, using the tabs above. If you want to be notified of new posts, you can subscribe using the links down on the right, or by liking the Wheels of Fortune Facebook page.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Leaping Ligui

Saturday February 23rd

Paths by the sea, paths by mountains
Feeling refreshed after the day off, Paul and I set off on the first day of our 360km ride to La Paz. It was going to be an interesting day. While most of the road to La Paz was through flat desert, we were looking forward to the first part, which followed more of the beautiful Cortez coast. However, then we had to tackle Ligui, where the road turned abruptly west, and went steeply up the coastal range to the plains. This was supposed to be one of the toughest climbs for cyclists in Baja. After that it was flat, but there were no towns until Ciudad Insurgentes, which, if we made it there, would make for a 120km day - a big day, even without a big climb.

Somewhat to our surprise, the day went almost exactly as planned. The road from Loreto ran lazily along the coast, and the wind eased us gently from the north. The coastal range stood impressively on our right, warding the plains, while the Sea of Cortez glittered in the morning light to our left. Ligui kicked up steeply. Our gears were as low as they could go, and we trundled up the range, looping back and forth in switchbacks, catching our breath, and continuing on as the range eventually started to level out. The steepness diminished only slowly, seemingly bent on taking its time to tip us over into the gentle decline of the plains, but when it did, the straight line of those plains struck dramatically. And then it was flat. And straight. And we rode. The horizon brought Ciudad Insurgentes just before sunset. And we had made it.


Paul and his trailer, on the start of Ligui
Paul, doing some hard yards further up
Just like a racetrack, only much, much slower. Going up at least...
Levelling out
This would be the plains then
Well, it's not completely flat I suppose
Sunset over Insurgentes
After asking around for cheap places to stay, and receiving shrugs and/or blank looks, someone eventually and kindly offered us their backyard for free. I gladly took them up on the offer, while Paul opted for the nearby hotel. We met up to have some beers to celebrate the 120km ride and the win over Ligui.


  1. I've caught up! Totally enjoying your words and pictures.

  2. hey marce! glad you're enjoying it :) let me know if you have any feedback or advice
